My first week of homeschooling

Original Post: September 13, 2016

Well I’ve talked about it for a couple of years and now I’ve done it- I am a homeschooling mom.
The first week went really well. It was fun and the kids were excited and I was a normal level of tired.
My oldest (9th grade) worked very well on his own most of the time. He had few problems/questions and though he was a bit slower than I expected to finish he overall did a great job.
My 1st grader did well also. Her attention span being at home and with her mother was somewhat less than ideal; but we did work in short bursts and alternated in-between these bursts with art, cleaning, eating, playing outside and yes even TV.
My preschooler did a few little projects but mostly just played with his toys. He had a hard time understanding that he couldn’t keep asking us to play with him over and over. He at times wanted to sit with us but that was a disaster.
There were moments that between the dog, the new kitten, the 3 year old, the 6 year old and the 14 year old all being in the same room I though I would just leave the house quietly and hope for the best.
But I stayed.
Over all the first week was a success and it was fun. I am aware that the entire first year will likely be my ‘practice’ year but am hoping to document the journey weekly.
I must say that it’s true that it’s easy to be happy in good times and it takes mistakes and problems to really provide an opportunity for learning and improvement. With that said stay tuned for week 2….

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